It can be difficult even for hot men to ask a girl out. If you don’t consider yourself hot enough, don’t get upset because someone will love you for your inner world. Don’t be afraid to communicate with women, and you will surely meet your soulmate. So, how to get a hot girlfriend if you’re average, and is it possible to find the one and only on man and woman dating site?
How to get a girlfriend if you are ugly? What kind of guys do girls like? So many women, so many minds. Someone believes that a man should be a little prettier than a monkey, and for someone, only a guy with a model appearance is suitable. No matter how much different opinions on this matter can be, all the ladies agree on one thing: a man should radiate self-confidence. High self-esteem is and will always be expressed in neatness and style.
Of course, appearance is not the most important thing in a man, but, nevertheless, it plays a rather important role in choosing a companion for life even when they want to find love after 60. Hot appearance, as well as an inflated relief body, is an additional plus for absolutely any man, and it is advisable not to ignore this. But still, girls prefer and really love reliable, courageous, and decisive men. And if all these qualities are combined with a handsome and charming male appearance, then this will be a win-win option!
What women like in modern men is an individual question. Tastes are different for everyone, but among men, there are lucky ones who stand out by their excessive charm and a set of qualities. Women subconsciously choose guys according to special criteria that they associate with the image of an ideal chosen one.
1. Stubble
Scientists from Australia came to the conclusion that women, first of all, pay attention to men with light unshaven, the so-called three-day stubble, as this is associated with dominance and even aggressiveness. By the way, some psychologists say that a bearded man is more authoritative than a well-shaven one. Perhaps that is why many sages wore beards. Careless stubble is still in fashion and doesn’t cause any negative associations in women. Moreover, many women find such men attractive. In their opinion, such a guy doesn’t like to follow the rules, which is always attractive. True, a long, groomed beard has nothing to do with sexuality.
2. Voice
How to get a hot girlfriend? Well, an analysis of Aberdeen University staff has shown that voice is also very important. There is nothing worse for a woman than a high, thin, squeaky voice. In general, women want it to be lower, similar to the voices of television or radio presenters. In this regard, women often prefer men with low timbre, which is called more sexual. For a woman, a man with an ordinary voice and a well-pronounced tone is solid enough and decisive. And also, girls like a hoarse voice.
3. Manly torso
As researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles managed to find out that men with an athletic physique are most popular with the opposite sex. Experts have found a fairly simple explanation for this. In their opinion, ladies consider the athletic body a sign of strength and masculinity. By the way, clothing also plays a role. A man in a tight white T-shirt will seem to a girl sexier than the same man but in a loose sweater. No girl likes a beer belly. If you have a sports body, then you are not a lazy man. And such men know how to get a really hot girlfriend.
4. The right facial traits
According to studies at the University of New Mexico, women often pay attention to symmetrical features of their faces and bodies because at a subconscious level, this is perceived as a sign of good health and good genes, which will become the key to healthy children. But very asymmetric faces, on the contrary, repel women. In addition, men with a heavy, prominent chin are more popular among women. Also, scientists found that women are attracted by pronounced eyes and a dark rim around the pupil.
5. Well-groomed hands and stylish hairstyle
It is worth recognizing that strong male hands are a fairly common fetish among women. It is not surprising that most ladies pay attention to this part of the body when they meet because well-groomed hands make a woman want to feel their touch and caress.
Also, most women don’t like men with too original haircuts. As a rule, neat and short-cut guys look self-confident. And of course, a man’s hair must be clean and without dandruff.
6. Natural eyebrows
Sometimes letting your eyebrows grow on their own is not the best option; otherwise, the hair on the bridge of your nose will turn your eyebrows into a big one. And this is not attractive at all. To understand how to care for the eyebrows, you need to draw a virtual line along the edges of the nose to the forehead, all that will be between these two lines should be removed. If you have very lush eyebrows, you can cut only the upper edge of the eyebrows slightly but don’t tweeze them all the way.
7. Gait and posture
Women like confident gait, even posture. They understand that such a man is purposeful, successful. By the man’s posture, a woman learns about the health of his spine and some character traits. A confident and purposeful person will always walk with a cheerful gait and keep his back straight. The one who doesn’t have average looking guy syndrome is a harmonious person who perfectly interacts with himself and the world around him. And even if nature has not rewarded you with beauty, you can always emphasize your individuality and attractiveness thanks to clothes selected with taste and manners that radiate confidence and calmness. Straighten your back, smile, and most importantly, behave naturally. You may not believe it, but such simple advice works wonders!
One way or another, any average looking guy suffers and complexes about his unattractive appearance. Because of this, self-esteem falls, and such men are lonely. In fact, a guy who doesn’t have a particularly beautiful appearance can attract any girl with other qualities and advantages. So, a guy who combines courage, energy, and wit will undoubtedly be appreciated among women.
1. Make her notice you
How to get a girlfriend? First of all, smile at the girls. A smile makes you happier than other people, which, in turn, makes you more attractive. The act of smiling even makes people happier because our brain secretes hormones of happiness such as dopamine and serotonin, so when you smile, you feel better. In addition, seeing a smile, the girl subconsciously perceives this as a reward. When you smile at girls, they feel rewarded. Also, a smile to another person makes them smile back to you, which will make them happier, and as you know, we always reach out to those who give us joy.
2. Take care of yourself
How to get a hot girlfriend if you’re ugly? Even if you are not the most handsome man on the planet, try to observe basic hygiene rules. Maintaining good appearance tells people that you are confident in yourself, even if it is not. Start with a shower at least once a day, brush your teeth twice a day, watch your nails so that there is no dirt under them and, of course, cut them in time. Watch also how you smell – cologne and deodorant will help you. Choose clothes that suit you well and look good on your body. Also, make sure that you feel comfortable in it.
3. Identify a bad idea of your body to overcome it
Your mental visual image is how you see yourself and how you relate to yourself. A man with a positive image usually feels more comfortable and evaluates himself more accurately, which makes him feel better about himself. This doesn’t mean that you should always evaluate yourself positively or assume that there are no such physical characteristics that couldn’t be corrected by a healthy lifestyle. Instead, a positive mental image should empower you by understanding your own worth and significance as a person. This is how to get a girlfriend if you’re fat.
4. Keep it simple
Of course, the guy will not immediately master the science of how to stop being shy about girls. After all, everything comes with experience. You just need to consider the fact that the girl you like is not the president’s wife or the English queen. She is an ordinary person, the same as everyone else nearby. You don’t lose your speech when communicating with your sister or mother, right? How do you get a girlfriend if you’re shy? You need to keep it simple. The girl experiences the same feeling of fear as the guy. She is afraid to say any absurdity and look funny. She also needs support when meeting a new person.
5. Politeness is the key to a lady’s heart
It is really so. If you want to get a hot girlfriend, remember that ladies love with ears! The guy, having developed gentlemanly habits in himself, will forget about the question of how to get acquainted with a girl if you are average. You can just approach her and calmly say, “Hello! I don’t want to seem intrusive, but I want to ask you to spend some time together if you don’t mind.” Nowadays, unfortunately, politeness has become a rarity. And the girl, having heard the competent speech of a man without a hint of intimacy and brutal assertiveness is likely to agree to meet.
6. Don’t be afraid of refusal
When you start dating girls, an important aspect is the ability to foresee the possibility of refusal, prepare for it, and don’t take it to heart. Girls can reject even the most handsome guy, so this is not unusual. An attempt to have a conversation and ask out on a date doesn’t necessarily lead to a positive result. Remember, if she gave a negative answer or simply didn’t react to your greeting in any way, this doesn’t mean that you are not good. Take it as experience, do the work on the mistakes, and try again. Any attempt, even unsuccessful, is a skill that will help you become more confident and achieve results in the future.
7. Know your worth
How to get a girlfriend if you’re ugly? First of all, stop thinking that you are ugly. Feeling unattractive can make you start a relationship with someone who will not value you the way you are. But the fact of having a love relationship can’t be more important than your emotional and mental state. You are worthy of a woman who will love and respect you just the way you are. If the woman who interests you makes you do what she wants, not paying attention to your feelings, requires you to devote most of your time and energy to her and, at the same time, you are upset or scared by the state of your relationship, then such a relationship will do you more harm than good. This may be an indication that you shouldn’t continue to maintain a relationship with her.
Any woman needs a man who allows her to feel loved and desirable. Ladies want to be like behind a stone wall when they are with their significant others. Your appearance is not so much important. Your actions and behavior matter. So, ladies are attracted to neat, self-confident, strong, and intelligent men. And your external characteristics don’t play a very important role here as girls’ tastes are different.